
Successful Relocation of Linaset's Assembly Line

Successful Relocation of Linaset's Assembly Line
Successful Relocation of Linaset's Assembly Line
Successful Relocation of Linaset's Assembly Line
BR Group a.s. Linaset a.s.

Successful Relocation of Linaset's Assembly Line from Budišov to Bruntál

The relocation of Linaset's assembly line from Budišov nad Budišovkou to Bruntál has proven to be a strategically sound move, bringing not only cost savings but also increasedproduction efficiency.

Key Benefits of the Relocation

This change resulted in annual savings of CZK 250,000 on transportation while also reducingthe carbon footprint. Sharing positions on the assembly line led to an annual cost reduction ofCZK 1.9 million. The relocation process began on November 1, 2024, and production resumed on January 6, 2025. On January 22, 2025, a customer audit was conducted, achieving an 82% fulfillmentrate of all audited criteria. Production was conditionally approved, and the customerexpressed appreciation for the smooth transition. Additionally, feedback indicated anexpected 3% year-on-year increase in orders.

Key Steps in the Relocation

• September 1, 2024 – Initial idea of relocating the assembly line.

• September 10, 2024 – Customer notification, definition of safety stock, and employeetraining.

• December 10, 2024 – Start of assembly line relocation in phases and planning.

• January 6, 2025 – Start of standard production (SOP).

• January 17, 2025 – Customer certification and conditional production approval.

Optimization of Production Space

One of the key benefits of the relocation was the optimization of production space. Theoriginal facility in Budišov had a production area of 944 m², whereas the new facility in Bruntál efficiently utilizes 565 m², resulting in significant savings and improved logistics.

This successful relocation of the assembly line has not only streamlined production but alsoreceived positive feedback from customers and contributed to Linaset's long-term strategy.

 A big thank you to our employees for their excellent work! 

On this occasion, we werehonored to welcome Rudolf Bochenek, the owner of BR Group, who positively evaluated theentire process during his visit to the production site. He was given a detailed tour of therelocation process by Tomáš Müller, the director of Linaset and PF Plasty.

Successful Relocation of Linaset's Assembly Line

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